• म.शि.प्र.मंडळाचे
    र.भ.अट्टल कला, विज्ञान व वाणिज्य महाविद्यालय, गेवराई
    गेवराई ता.गेवराई जि. बीड महाराष्ट्र ४३११२७
  • तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
    र.भ.अट्टल कला, विज्ञान व वाणिज्य महाविद्यालय, गेवराई
    गेवराई ता.गेवराई जि. बीड महाराष्ट्र ४३११२७
  • तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय
    र.भ.अट्टल कला, विज्ञान व वाणिज्य महाविद्यालय, गेवराई
    गेवराई ता.गेवराई जि. बीड महाराष्ट्र ४३११२७
महत्वाची सूचना र.भ. अट्टल कनिष्ठ महाविद्यालयातील इ. बारावी कला विज्ञान व वाणिज्य शाखेतील विद्यार्थ्यांना सुचित करण्यात येते की, उच्च माध्यमिक प्रमाणपत्र परीक्षेचे फॉर्म भरण्याची प्रक्रिया सध्या सुरू आहे. ज्या विद्यार्थ्यांनी अद्याप परीक्षा फॉर्म भरला नसेल त्यांनी 25 ऑक्टोबर 2024 पर्यंत आपला फॉर्म भरावा आपण परीक्षा फॉर्म भरला नाही तर त्याची जबाबदारी महाविद्यालयाची राहणार नाही याची सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांनी नोंद घ्यावी.आदेशावरून * Inauguration/Dedication/Laying of Foundation Stone of projects worth Rs.13,000+ cr of MoE and MSDE

Message from Principal

Prof. R.V. Shikhare
M.A. Hindi, Ph.D.


M.S.P. Mandal’s R.B. Attal College was established with well stated goals and objectives to provide quality education to the rural youth and to address the educational needs of disadvantaged and deprived sections of society.

In today’s dynamic world when every moment a new innovation in technology is evolved, the College provides ample opportunities to rural students to innovate and think critically and lead the learning process.

We follow a pedagogy which is holistic and comprehensive, it has been our constant endeavour not only to impart quality education to the students, but equip them with soft skills and groom their personalities. We try to inculcate basic human values so that our students are responsible citizens of the country.

We are here to transform the young ones into a potential source of knowledge, energy, strength and a catalytic force to metamorphose the social fabric.

A dedicated team of teachers, administrative staff, cooperative parents and a dynamic management imbued with great vision, form a unified team making endeavours to achieve the above.

I firmly believe that R.B. Attal College is more than just a place to learn. It gives you a chance to grow by equipping with everything you need to achieve excellence. I wish the best of fortune, peace and prosperity to all those who contribute to the noble task of spreading education and its manifest qualities, aims and objectives. more...

Vision and Mission


Eliminating the darkness of ignorance from the lives of people living in age-long poverty and helping them to proceed towards knowledge to achieve all-round development. more...


Providing quality education to socially and economically backward classes. Bringing out educational and cultural development of rural population. Providing standard facilities of hostel accommodation, physical education and value education. more...


  • “तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय" "Tamso Ma Jyotirgamay”
  • Let us proceed from darkness to light.
  • more...







Research Guides





We provide best facilities for overall educational development of our students

Code of Conduct

  • Rules |
  • In Campus

Rules to follow in college campus.

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  • Hostel |
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Hostel Facility for Girls

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National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF)

Report1 → Report2 →


  • Placement |
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Details about Placement cell...

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Student Corner


महत्वाची सूचनार.भ. अट्टल कनिष्ठ महाविद्यालयातील इ. बारावी कला विज्ञान व वाणिज्य शाखेतील विद्यार्थ्यांना सुचित करण्यात येते की, उच्च माध्यमिक प्रमाणपत्र परीक्षेचे फॉर्म भरण्याची प्रक्रिया सध्या सुरू आहे. ज्या विद्यार्थ्यांनी अद्याप परीक्षा फॉर्म भरला नसेल त्यांनी 25 ऑक्टोबर 2024 पर्यंत आपला फॉर्म भरावा आपण परीक्षा फॉर्म भरला नाही तर त्याची जबाबदारी महाविद्यालयाची राहणार नाही याची सर्व विद्यार्थ्यांनी नोंद घ्यावी. आदेशावरून

Inauguration/Dedication/Laying of Foundation Stone of projects worth Rs.13,000+ cr of MoE and MSDE

महाराष्ट्र हिंदी परिषद का 29 वाँ अधिवेशन एवं द्वि दिवसीय राष्ट्रीय संगोष्ठी का आयोजन दि.27 एवं 28 जनवरी 2023

One Day National Seminar On “Challenges and Opportunities in Agribusiness during Atmanirbhar Bharat Mission” On 25th January 2023

Students Achievents

Faculty Achievents